Zoom Hack:
[ENABLE] aobscan(_aZoom,F3 0F 10 47 04 EB) label(_aZoomLabel) registersymbol(_aZoomLabel) alloc(newmem,1024) label(_returnhere) newmem: mov [edi+04],427f0000 // change value to maximum zoom movss xmm0,[edi+04] jmp _returnhere 00659826: _aZoomLabel: jmp newmem _returnhere: [DISABLE] _aZoomLabel: movss xmm0,[edi+04] dealloc(newmem) unregistersymbol(_aZoomLabel)
[ENABLE] aobscan(FarEye,8B 48 08 8B 50 04 51 8B 4C 24)//006558E5 label(Label) registersymbol(Label) alloc(ChangeClipDistance,64) label(ReturnClip) label(ClipDistance) registersymbol(ClipDistance) registersymbol(staddress) label(staddress) ChangeClipDistance: mov ecx,[ClipDistance] mov [eax+08],ecx mov edx,[eax+04] jmp ReturnClip ClipDistance: db 00 00 48 43 FarEye: Label: staddress: jmp ChangeClipDistance nop ReturnClip: [DISABLE] Label: staddress: mov ecx,[eax+08] mov edx,[eax+04] dealloc(ChangeClipDistance,64) unregistersymbol(ClipDistance) unregistersymbol(FarEye)
[ENABLE] aobscan(_aPots,83 78 08 13 0F 85) label(_aPotsLabel) registersymbol(_aPotsLabel) alloc(newmem,1024) label(returnhere) label(originalcode) label(exit) label(check_mana) label(finished_check) 008d8078: _aPotsLabel: jmp newmem nop nop nop nop nop returnhere: newmem: originalcode: cmp dword ptr [eax+08],01 // checking for HP pot? jne check_mana mov dword ptr[eax+08],11 // change to auto pot mov dword ptr[eax+10],11 check_mana: cmp dword ptr [eax+08],02 // checking for MP pot? jne finished_check mov dword ptr[eax+08],12 // change to auto pot mov dword ptr[eax+10],12 finished_check: cmp dword ptr [eax+08],13 je 0052d13a exit: jmp returnhere [DISABLE] dealloc(newmem) _aPotsLabel: cmp dword ptr [eax+08],13 db 0F 84 91 00 00 00 unregistersymbol(_aPotsLabel)